What do successful blogs focus on — content or creativity or both?

3 min readJan 13, 2021

Jazz & Creativity play an important role in entertaining and fascinating the readers. While readers always enjoy the playful and fun part, it’s the authenticity, relatability and usefulness of the info that keeps the readers coming back for more.

The key motivation for readers to seek a blog repeatedly is “What’s in it for me?!”

While there are many examples out there, a few blogs that inspire me are listed below. Their journey, consistent focus and authenticity are what draws me to them.



The blog is for young, millennial women. The blog has lots of material on coaching, self development, motivation and in general empowering young women. Besides being highly positive, oriented on mental health & wellness, it is also realistic and pragmatic. It has a post on “Toxic Positivity” which provides a balanced perspective and raises awareness in women as to “When to take off the rose-colored glasses!” (quoted from the blog).


She started this when she was very young and as a hobby. She is authentic and passionate about what she posts and I truly believe, this is the reason for her continued success. She is a mom of 3 beautiful children, who is passionate about life and beauty!


While lifestyle blogs skew towards women bloggers, I find fitmencook.com unique. It’s about health and nutrition for men by a man. It’s relatable to his audience — fitness, health & nutrition conscious men. His recipes are innovative, with a focus on health & wellness — Wellness teas, immunity boosting recipes and seasonal food.



A beautiful journey of family & motherhood. Simple, relatable posts that chronicle the blogger’s moments of motherhood. She also designs beautiful jewelry. Her blog style is unique, beautiful, uncomplicated, authentic!

Hope you too find these blogs inspiring!

